Hello, friends today we
are going to see a unique trick to invite all friends in a Facebook with a
single click. Facebook is one of the best social media to increase the popularity
of any Business, Blog, Organization, News agency and others. Facebook provides a lot of facilities like
creating Page, make groups, ad promotion of business, make apps etc. to
increase any business over the world or locality. In that case, you are in the
right place to learn getting more likes on your Facebook page. Before the
trick, let’s have a look through the very basic things related to Facebook
What is Facebook page?
Facebook page is a
platform for sharing business, brands, organizations activity, community and
public figure stories, latest updates with the other people who want to connect
with them or their customer. If any member likes a page, then his friends can
get notifications in News feed and they may also like the page.
How to create a Facebook page?
Go to this link
Create a Facebook page
· .
Select your page
type from the categories and fill other details
👉Local Business or Place
👉Organization or
Institution Brand or Product
👉Artist, Band or Public
👉Cause or Community
Complete all the basic
In this field, you have
to provide information about company, blog or others in 2-3 sentences which
will be displayed on the main page. This also describes page type so that you
need to include website link here.
Upload Profile Pic:
Upload profile pic of
the company in size 180 x 180 pixels.
Select page goals:
In this field, you have
to tell for “What you want to achieve with your page” in 500 characters
Preferred page audience:
In this field, include
location, age, gender and interest.
Finally, click on the
save button.
How to invite all existing Facebook Friends on the
Facebook page?
Google Chrome or
Mozilla Firefox browser.
#1: open Facebook page.
#2: Click on invite
friends button and wait, it will open a pop up window.
#3: Press F12 button on
the keyboard. A console window will open in case of Mozilla Firefox or Google
#4: Now copy the code
given below👎👎:
inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('uiButton _1sm'); for(var i=0;
i<inputs.length;i++) { inputs[i].click(); }
Paste in the console
and hit Enter.
After some moment your
all friends will be invited on your page.
Thanks for reading this
article, if this article is helpful then don’t hesitate to share with your
For any help, please
comment below…………