www.ebatayon.com is in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Our policy is to respond to any infringment notice and take appropriate action under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and with other intellectual property laws. If your copyrighted content has been used in this website then please inform us without delay. We will take immediate action on this matter. You can inform us via-email, we must delete such copyrighted content as we get your notification. Please allow 1-2 business day for an email response.
This privacy policy explains how we handle information and data in our site. We valued you, If your email does not reach to us or your complaint does not filled properly then we will take time to consider your email complaint in case of proper evidence. So, please give details information in your copyright complaints with evidence of copyright.
Email: sandipanroy.cse.hstu@gmail.com
You should attach following information in you copyright claim: