How to create a Facebook account in 3 steps

Facebook is a social media which gives people a great opportunity to connect easily with their friend and family. It also gives information about some popular news about politics, technology, game etc. You can have a lot of necessary information from Facebook by your friend in Facebook account or liking page and as a member of any group. Now a days there a lot of group which gives educational information, some of the member share their educational experience, job experience and experience in life. By reading their experience in their life you can enrich your knowledge about that subject so that you can overcome that obstacle in your life easily. Here you have the ways of creating a Facebook account –

Step 1:

Go to and this page will come in the browser. 


Here, give your first name, sure name, mobile number or email address and give a password (note: password should be at least 8 character and it's better to use very hard password). Select your birthday and gender then click on  the create an account button.

Step 2:

After clicking on the button -  create an account  

This page will come in the browser. Here Facebook send a confirmation code in you given email address or phone number you have to give that code here from your email or phone.

Step 3:

In this step, finally you get your Facebook account let’s edit your account and start making friend over Facebook. Enjoy your new journey on Facebook.  


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