Consider These 10 Easy Tips to Overcome Your Anger

Human nature is always related to anger and anxiety when something happen not in their way. Imagine for a moment, If you want something to be done in your way what did you do? Firstly, you want to make a command over all the people who is related to you and if  any one of them don't agree with you then you become angry to him. That's the common picture of every man in the world. But there are a lot of way to become popular with everyone so that they follow you. That's not anger!!

"Every man and woman who become a leader of this world was very clam and decent person."

 Everyone follow their way and made a great deal with people. So, here I have some tips for you to overcome your angryness. It's a great deal to control anger and if you could make it possible then that's going to help you in many ways in the upcoming future of your life.

First Tips:
Take a deep breathe: If you feel to be angry then take a deep breathe and start counting 1 to 10. Do this for 6-10 times, it will divert your mind from thinking the matter of your anxiety and deep breathe will create better oxygen and blood circulation in your head. Now, you could think the matter properly and make you decision without anger and anxiety.

Second Tips:
Keep your lips close: It's very hard to stay silent when someone talk against you but you have to do it. For sure it's better to keep silent at that moment that's going to help you a lot for the next time and you could hear all words of your opponent and it's true that when someone become angry he lost his mind and talk like a man. So, stay cool for your benefit and listen what's the weak point of your opponent. In this way you can also be overcome your anger, just think about your profit.

Third Tips:
Keep your eyes and ears close:  For a better result in controlling anger sometime you should close your eyes and ears too. It's not means that I am telling you to close you eyes because if you close your eyes that could make an accident. I just mean, don't see those people who make you angry. Because as much you see him/her, your anger will rise. So, avoid that man/woman for an hour and think about why are you angry at him? Don't listen to him until you become fully satisfied with your decision. Sometime your opponent try to make you angry so that they could know about you. So, be cool and think that's the best way to handle with anything in this world.

Fourth Tips:
Go for a walk: Sometime you have to leave that place where meet with those people which make you angry. Go for a walk somewhere else and breath deeply and take natural air inside you. That make you feel the true nature of human character and may be you could analyze yourself. Because a man could only overcome everything if he analyze himself. 

Fifth Tips: 
 Try meditation: One of the best way of controlling human body is meditation. Although meditation is an ancient way of controlling mind but it's also helpful now in present. A lot of people find their way of life from meditation. So, If you want to overcome your angry nature then this is going to help you a lot. Meditation is the best way of stay apart from every anxiety of life which is approved by doctors and psychologist.
Sixth Tips:
Seat somewhere: Anxiety leads a man toward madness and so he could not even feel that what is he doing and what is going to be happened in the rest of it. A man could do anything when he become angry because he loose his mind for some moment at that time. So, don't be angry seat somewhere and think. Thinking can make anything clear and concise and let you make a nice decision about anything.

Seventh Tips:
Think 5 seconds about reason: Thinking can enrich your brain and a man with brain power can do anything if he want. Without thinking don't do anything. In every step of life people should think before they start so you should do the same. You can complete a task without even touching it using your brain and this is the way of every famous  man in this world. 

Eighth Tips:
Start counting 1 to 10: This is a way of diverting mind from the reason of anxiety. If you start counting something when you are doing a job that's will divert your mind from that job and you could not imagine how have you forgotten everything for a moment. So, apply this technique if you want to stay cool everyday and always.

Ninth Tips:
Stop talking:  When a man talk about something at the same time he could not think much about it. So, if he need to think then he should stop talking for a moment. Famous man follow this technique whenever they talk about anything they think more then they talk. In case of understanding everything you have to listen and think. That's one of the way of controlling anger inside your mind. 

Tenth Tips:
Tear-off some old newspaper: Finally, I shall tell you this nice technique which works nicely for everyone. Whenever a man become angry then he always like to destroy something in the same way you will destroy something and that is old newspaper. Because destroying some necessary materials is not good for anyone because that effect to a lose of money. So, without destroying some necessary thing damage some unnecessary thing. That will help you to overcome your anger at all. 

So, Friend this all from my anger control techniques. You can follow them to control yourself.
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